9 entities from 7 participating countries are partners in EU4Shepherd. The countries participating in the project represent some of the most important territories in Europe when speaking of extensive livestock models. Spain and Portugal in the south west, Scotland in the northwest, Romania and Bulgaria in the east or Austria (the Alps) together with Germany in central Europe. The EU4Shepherds partners represent all actors needed to develop the project efficiently and to implement the results successfully, giving special importance to the link between VET entities and the needs of extensive livestock exploitations, in order to include the necessary curricula and methodologies for trainers to implement in a further phase a certifiable shepherd training course.
Cesefor (Spain) provides large experience applying new management models in the field of forestry and mountain areas, habitat conservation and training in the field of forestry, both for public managers and private owners.
Cesefor Presentation.
Agrarian Chamber of Lower Saxony (Germany) has a long training experience with apprentice internships in collaboration with sectorial public institutes, including also further contracting of school leavers with companies. Training plans are carried out according to curricula developed by the Agrarian Chamber, together with evaluations and exams addressed to practical competences. Contents and learning methods subjected to continuous updating.
Agrarian Chamber of Lower Saxony Presentation.
ADIRAM (Portugal) is an Association dedicated to promote the integrated development of mountain villages network in the interior center of Portugal. Among the multiple missions of the association we highlight the work done at the level of rural development in the region of Serra da Estrela and Serra da Gardunha, particularly in the activity of extensive sheep and goat herding.
Agricultural University Plovdiv (Bulgaria): University chair focused to autochthonous sheep breeds; extensive livestock management involving shepherds; rural development through sheep farming in remote áreas.
Agricultural University Plovdiv Presentation.
ARCHNETWORK (Scotland) provides training in natural and cultural heritage management. We work with a consortium of key nature and heritage organisations in Scotland and with training organisations in Europe. Our aim is to share best practice across borders and develop innovative solutions to managing our common heritage of nature and culture.
ARCHNETWORK Presentation.
AREC (Austria) is an Agriculture research and education institution having large experience as VET center providing training programs to agro-livestock sector.
AREC Presentation.
University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy, UCAEP, (Austria) is a science and pedagogic center for the education of teachers and consultants in the professional fields of agriculture and forestry as well as environmental education. Both the rural and the urban Austrian economic area will be influenced more and more by structural, ecological and social change in the future.
University College for Agrarian and Environmental Pedagogy Presentation.
AGROM-RO (Romania) is Well-recognized association that coordinates training projects in collaboration with sheep breeder organizations and federations, introducing professional/occupational code for mountain shepherds in Romania.
AGROM-RO Presentation.
Fundación Monte Mediterráneo (Spain is an organization deeply committed with pastoralism during the last 10 years (mainly sheep transhumance) and involving Municipalities, neighborhood councils, farmers, shepherds, sheep cooperatives.
Fundación Monte Mediterráneo Presentation.